Where have my chat disappeared? :(
Szántó-Várnagy Binjomin
I started to type a question in Medical Chatbot and even succeeded to get an answer. Then it all suddenly disappeared! Also, while typing, every once in a while it was jumping back to the previous chat and I had to manually switch back all the times. It also regenerated the previous chat, even though I was not asking it. Also, it generated a new chat which I had to remove. These are all annoyances, but my main problem: get me back my erased chat!
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Samuel Su
in https://medical.chat-data.com/ we store your chat history in your localstorage browser. Not on our server, To fix the issue, you have to export your previous chat conversation history and clear up the localstorage cache. This will fix the issue.
The root cause is that the modern browser only has 5 MB of local storage for storing the conversation history and your browser seems has reached the limit.
We do not save the medical chat history in our server for privacy protection reasons.